How to Work Through Your Fear of Failure

Many freelancers fear failure, which can prevent you from taking risks, pursuing opportunities, and trying new things. This fear can lead to stagnation and missed chances for growth.

Fear of Failure may manifest as:

  • Avoiding Risky Opportunities: You may hesitate to pursue challenging or high-profile projects due to fear of failure. You might convince yourself that you’re not qualified or capable enough to handle the work, leading you to avoid stepping outside your comfort zone. As a result, you miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and professional development.

  • Underpricing Services: Fear of failure can also lead you to underprice your services. You may worry that charging higher rates will result in rejection from potential clients or that you won't be able to deliver value commensurate with your rates. Consequently, you set your prices lower than you deserve, which not only undermines your earning potential but also diminishes your perceived value in the eyes of clients.

  • Procrastination and Perfectionism: Fear of failure often manifests as procrastination and perfectionism. You may delay starting or completing projects because you fear making mistakes or producing subpar work. You may obsess over every detail, striving for perfection, which ultimately leads to missed deadlines, increased stress, and dissatisfaction with your output. This cycle of procrastination and perfectionism can significantly impede your productivity and overall success as a freelancer.

Journal Prompt: Can you see any areas in your career right now or in the past where you have let fear of failure prevent you from pursuing the life you would rather be living?

Fear of failure can be paralyzing and hinder success. It can keep you stuck in frustrating cycles that you just want to break out of but aren’t sure how to. Let’s work on that, shall we? I want you to live your best life, grow your most authentic and abundant career, and step into your power.

Here's an exercise to help you combat that fear:

1. Identify the specific fear: Don't just say "fear of failure" – get specific. Are you afraid of rejection from clients? Delivering subpar work? Not making enough money? Identifying the root of your fear helps you target it effectively.

2. Challenge the "what ifs": Fear thrives on catastrophizing. Write down your "what ifs" (e.g., "What if I mess up this project?"). Now, challenge each one rationally. What evidence actually supports these fears? What's the worst-case scenario, and how likely is it? Could you handle it?

3. Reframe failure: See it not as an endpoint, but as a learning opportunity. Every "failure" contains valuable lessons. It can even be said that the worst things that have happened to you have also been the best things that have happened to you. Write down what you learned from past "failures" and how you'll apply that knowledge to future projects.

4. Celebrate small wins: Don't wait for major successes to feel good. Track and celebrate each step forward, no matter how small. Finishing a proposal? Celebrate! Getting positive feedback? Celebrate! This reinforces your progress and fuels your motivation.

5. Visualize success: Spend 5-10 minutes daily visualizing yourself succeeding. See yourself completing projects, delivering excellent work, and receiving happy client feedback. This positive mental rehearsal builds confidence and resilience.


  • Seek support: Connect with other freelancers or mentors who can understand and offer encouragement. Share your fears and learn from their experiences.

  • Start small: Don't jump into huge projects right away. Begin with manageable tasks to build your confidence and momentum.

  • Focus on progress, not perfection: Aim for continuous improvement, not flawlessness. Embrace the learning process and accept that mistakes are inevitable.

Remember, fear is normal, but it doesn't have to control you. By confronting your fears head-on and building positive habits, you can overcome them and thrive as a freelancer.

I went over the fear of failure along with a handful of other common mindset blocks that hold freelancers back in an Extracurricular Call in my Group Coaching Program recently. To watch that call - and 13+ others (along with the Core Curriculum and a handful of other freelance-focused life and business advice) come join our community!


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